Monday, 8 December 2008

Personal Learning network 16

In the Nata Village blog Family Planning Support Group, what matters is family because the village families get together on Mondays and discuss family issue. With Divorce on the rise it is important to try to prevent it from happening. More and more kids are having difficulties growing up because their parents are divorced and then they have a better chance of getting a divorce when they grow up. If every family could spend at least ten minutes a week talking to each other about their issue imagine how many families would have a stronger relationship. Do you think a support group like this would help families in need?

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

Personal Learning network 15

Cancer is killing more and more people each year, in Colorado. The Rocky Mountain News reports that in Colorado an extra 300 deaths are due to cancer. A report shows that Coloradoans in poverty smoke more, don’t get as much exercise, and are more obese. These conditions help the cancer form and increase. And also generally they have less health care. Across the world we are fighting cancer whether we have it or not, and with no cure it is deadly. So what are we going to do about it?

Monday, 1 December 2008

Personal Learning network 14

Ever heard the saying, “ Respect your elders.” Or, “ The older the wiser.” In the Nata Village blog, they are honoring those sayings by giving people in the village who are 60+ a day of events. The events included singing, dancing, speeches, and a big great lunch. What if every elderly person could spend one day teaching the rest of us lessons, our world would improve greatly. Most elderly people have lived through some of the most important history that has made what the world is today. Some have seen the Great Depression, and with our economy on the verge of going under, elderly people probably have some great ideas about what to do and what not to do, after all they lived through it. Do you think in our modern world we respect and listen to our elders enough?

Monday, 24 November 2008

Personal Learning network 13

In the ongoing war on terrorism the Rocky Mountain News reported a very interesting story. Five Algerians have been held in Guantanamo bay for seven years after the Bosnian Government requested that the US arrest them after they were found plotting to plant a bomb in the US embassy in October 2001. They served a sort sentence and were released a year later. Then six months later they were picked up in Afghanistan on their way to fight US forces. This is a big issue because many people want US prisoners released and a study shows that most of them go back and fight the US. Should the prisoners be released from Guantanamo Bay?

Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Personal Learning network 12

As the holiday seasons are coming around how many of us are going to be flying somewhere to see family. In the Rocky Mountain News they report that the once greedy airlines are lowering their prices for the holiday travelers. What does this say? It might be one of the good things coming out of the struggling economy. With the lower fuel prices the airlines are looking to regain the profits of what they lost over the high fuel priced summer. If the airlines are lowering their prices, more people will book with them thus bringing in money. It affects us all because United, Frontier, and Southwest airlines all have major hubs in Denver, and the more money they make the more money they can put into making DIA a nicer airport. But do you think with people losing their jobs and not traveling, will the good news of the low airfare stay this way for long?

Monday, 17 November 2008

Personal Learning network 11

In a very interesting article by The Rocky Mountain News a man stole over 21,000$ worth of wine bottles. The man would wear a neck brace go into stores and take wine bottles and somehow Velcro them into the brace and walk out of the store. The crime accrued in many stores across Denver. But it really makes you think, out of all the crimes to get money, stealing wine is one of them? This is happening more and more everywhere around the world, and what can we to do stop it? Education may be answer; most criminals have very little education. If we do a better job educating people, will the crime rate go down?

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Personal Learning network 10

In It’s a Blogger: Dashboard New Day by the 2 Cents Worth blog what matters is racial change because Barrack Obama is the first African-American president of America. Only forty years ago this man wouldn’t be able to ride the same buses, drink out of the same drinking fountains, and go to school with white people is now the president of America. This moment is the marking of a new era were anybody, no matter what color their skin is, can do any job they wish. This also shows how we have changed, a black man is now one of the most important men in the world, and how he has rose above the racism and won the election. How do you think a black president will affect you and the world?

Monday, 10 November 2008

Personal Learning network 9

In The Weight Station by the Nata Village blog what matters is health because the parents are caring enough to go and weight their children so they can get food. In the village the parents have a choice whether they can go and weigh their children so the government can send them the proper amount of food. If they don’t do this the government wont send them the food and most of these families cant provide food for their children. It is the duty of all parents in all parts of the world to protect and take care off their kids. If it weren’t for our parents we would be nothing. If you could ensure your children’s health and future, wouldn’t you do it?

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Personal Learning network 8

In the blog CSM Going Online by 2 Cents Worth what matters is change. Ever since the Internet took over our way of life it’s been the focus of many people. In many parts of the world magazine and newspapers don’t appear, in its place is the Internet. Many news companies have been making themselves more easily accessible by the Internet, which changes the way the company is run. Many more people get laid off because there is no more need for their job. For instance many of the people that would be in charge of getting the editors words into the daily paper/magazine are now out of the job. It probably has no real noticeable affect on your life but the change is there. I am affected by it because now I can access a ton more info online and also saving paper, which is another reason for the companies going online. So when a news company stops printing and goes online, is it good or bad?

Personal Learning network 8

In the blog CSM Going Online by 2 Cents Worth what matters is change. Ever since the Internet took over our way of life it’s been the focus of many people. In many parts of the world magazine and newspapers don’t appear, in its place is the Internet. Many news companies have been making themselves more easily accessible by the Internet, which changes the way the company is run. Many more people get laid off because there is no more need for their job. For instance many of the people that would be in charge of getting the editors words into the daily paper/magazine are now out of the job. It probably has no real noticeable affect on your life but the change is there. I am affected by it because now I can access a ton more info online and also saving paper, which is another reason for the companies going online. So when a news company stops printing and goes online, is it good or bad?

Monday, 3 November 2008

Personal Learning network 7

In President Lt. Gen. Seretse Khama Ian Khama Visits Nata Kgotla by the

Nata Village blog what matters is teaching kids about drugs and alcohol

because it can ruin young people. In Africa young people are probably not

educated and have a lot of time to waste. This is when drugs and alcohol

become an issue. This isn’t just an issue in Africa but all over the world. At

one time in your life your life you will have a choice whether or not to do

drugs or drink alcohol. I would rather keep myself away from addiction and

stay healthy. This is possible for all people all over the world thanks to the

proper education about it. If you had the choice whether do harm yourself

and so something illegal would you do it or not?

Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Personal Learning network 6

In the Volleyball Madness by the Nata village blog what is important is the teamwork involved in volleyball because it’s an essential part of life. When you play sports, teamwork is involved, and in Africa the little education these kids get will trade off for the exercise and teamwork involved in this sport. This idea is spread all across the world, not just in this village in Africa. People everywhere are trying get and stay healthy, sports like volleyball is a major way of doing that. Imagine if each government took a class on teamwork, how smoother things might go between nations. Would you play a sport not only for the fun of it but also for exercise and teamwork?

Monday, 27 October 2008

Personal Learning network 5

In Lost By One Vote by David Warlick is a very s true example of modern day controversy. David was singled out in a video posted on the Internet. In this video he was blamed for all the worlds suffering, evil, and how Iran would nuke the United States on Saturday. The reason for this is because he forgot to vote for John McCain in the primaries. This happened to be the only vote he didn’t do. This relates to the world because this video was posted by an extreme political action group named MoveOn. In today’s world more and more of these political groups are popping up and criticizing people for what they do differently from what they did. But I just kept reading and turns out you can put someone’s name in and it will show their name in the video. I dent it to all my family and they flipped. But truthfully what would you if your name appeared on a widely viewed video accusing you of something you did?

Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Personal Learning network 4

In Community Educators in the Nata Village Blog what matters here is the spreading of education of AIDS, HIV, stress reducing, and other conditions. In Africa there is a major issue, there are millions of deaths each year due to these diseases. And this issue is not just in Africa but world. With theses diseases spreading world wide it is important to follow the example these people are doing and educate ourselves on these deadly disease’s. If you could prevent a fatal disease from killing you or others around you, wouldn’t you do it?

Monday, 20 October 2008

Personal Learning network 2

In The Nata Village Blog, Contributions at Work, what matters here is that this poor lady gets help for her skin disease she has. It is important because the disease is caused by the blazing sun and it Botswana there is no getting out of the sun. This situation connects to the rest of the world because many people are unfortunately battling the battle with cancers and diseases. In Africa especially were there are little funds and treatment for AIDS, HIV, and many other diseases. No one can ever predict who will get cancer, it could be me. If I ever do get cancer and was in this persons shoes I would be a lot me relaxed knowing that people and some of the top doctors are out there fighting for me. Therefore it is important that we can help them out because if we were in their shoes we would like the help.

Personal Learning network 3

In the Nata village blog, School House Rock what matters is the school watchman. I say this because it is his job to make sure everyone gets up at five in the morning and make sure the staff is up and getting ready. This connects to some of the world, mostly third world countries because here they use an old truck rim as a bell. Since this village doesn’t have technology and money, like most of Africa they have to improvise and use what they got. They area they live in is extremely poor if they have to use truck rim for a bell, but that doesn’t stop them from going ahead and educating themselves. Just because they are poor doesn’t mean that they can’t learn. This shows just how lucky we are when our school can afford computers, electronic bells, televisions, and projectors, something that most high schools across the nation don’t even have, especially African schools. If only money was standing in the way between you and a better life through education wouldn’t you knock out that barrier and continue learning?